Brief Description of Rule: The proposed rule provides for LERN to develop stroke and ST-segment elevation myocardial infraction (STEMI, commonly known as a heart attack) systems statewide. Specifically, the proposed rule addresses requirements for Stroke and STEMI Center attestation and recognition, Stroke and STEMI Center criteria as well as hospital destination/transport guidelines for stroke and STEMI patients.
There is no current rule or fee in place at this time
For any inquiries, please contact
Paige Hargrove, BSN, RN |
Hearing to be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at the office of the Louisiana Emergency Response Network, which is located at 14141 Airline Hwy, Building 1, Suite B, Baton Rouge, LA 70817. Interested persons may also submit written comments to Paige B. Hargrove, Executive Director, LERN at the same address. The deadline for receipt of all written comments is 10:00am on Monday, October 27, 2014.
The anticipated effective date of the proposed rule is January 1, 2015
Notice of Intent submitted to the Louisiana Register was published on June 20, 2014