As seen in the photo above, LERN partners with multiple providers and state agencies to support the award-winning Sudden Impact Program for high school students across the state. The Sudden Impact Program targets teens in the process of obtaining their drivers licenses to raise awareness, including prevention of injuries and fatalities, dangers of driving while impaired, and the importance of wearing a seatbelt.

Components of the interactive program include:

  • Lectures pertaining to Louisiana State Laws including, underage DWI, seatbelt use, and driver safety issues
  • Fatal vision demonstration using goggles that simulate various levels of intoxication
  • Demonstration of the physical affects that alcohol and drugs have on the human body and those that directly affect driving
  • Demonstrations of the relationship between trauma injuries, not using seatbelts, and driving under the influence
  • Pre and post program subject matter knowledge testing

In addition to the Sudden Impact Program, LERN teams with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission and other organizations to spread awareness and educate providers and citizens on injury prevention methods across the Commission’s various program areas. For more information about the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission’s current programming areas, see the links below.

Impaired Driving
Occupant Protection
Child Passenger Safety
Young Drivers
Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety
Distracted Driving
Police Traffic Services
Motorcycle Safety
Railroad Safety
Destination Zero Deaths

Please see the Calendar of Events for information regarding upcoming LERN educational events.